eesti keeles

The President
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Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

Chapter XIV


§ 154. All local issues shall be resolved and managed by local governments, which shall operate independently pursuant to law.

Duties may be imposed on a local government only pursuant to law or by agreement with the local government. Expenditure related to duties of the state imposed by law on a local government shall be funded from the state budget.

§ 155. The units of local government are rural municipalities and towns.

Other units of local government may be formed on the bases of and pursuant to procedure provided by law.

§ 156. The representative body of a local government is the council which shall be elected in free elections for a term of three years. The elections shall be general, uniform and direct. Voting shall be secret.

In elections to local government councils, persons who reside permanently in the territory of the local government and have attained eighteen years of age have the right to vote, under conditions prescribed by law.

§ 157. A local government shall have an independent budget for which the bases and procedure for drafting shall be provided by law.

A local government has the right, on the basis of law, to levy and collect taxes, and to impose duties.

§ 158. The boundaries of local government units shall not be altered without considering the opinion of the local governments concerned.

§ 159. A local government has the right to form unions and joint agencies with other local governments.

§ 160. The administration of local governments and the supervision of their activities shall be provided by law.

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