eesti keeles

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Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

Chapter I


§ 1. Estonia is an independent and sovereign democratic republic wherein the supreme power of state is vested in the people.

The independence and sovereignty of Estonia are timeless and inalienable.

§ 2. The land, territorial waters and airspace of the Estonian state are an inseparable and indivisible whole.

Estonia is politically a unitary state wherein the division of territory into administrative units shall be provided by law.

§ 3. The powers of state shall be exercised solely pursuant to the Constitution and laws which are in conformity therewith. Generally recognised principles and rules of international law are an inseparable part of the Estonian legal system.

Laws shall be published in the prescribed manner. Only published laws have obligatory force.

§ 4. The activities of the Riigikogu*, the President of the Republic, the Government of the Republic, and the courts shall be organised on the principle of separation and balance of powers.

§ 5. The natural wealth and resources of Estonia are national riches which shall be used economically.

§ 6. The official language of Estonia is Estonian.

§ 7. The national colours of Estonia are blue, black and white. The design of the national flag and the national coat of arms shall be provided by law.

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